Member-only story
55| 6 Months of Qi Gong, My Experience
A precious wellness tool
“Qi Gong is a jewel that has many facets.” — Ken Cohen
139. My (good) experience
I recently celebrated my first 6 months of regular Qi Gong practice and it seemed like a good time to celebrate and also to reflect on this experience.
The Practice
I have been formally training twice a week in hour-long classes led by an excellent certified Qi Gong instructor.
In addition to these classes, I have tried to train alone on other days as well, at least a few minutes almost every day, repeating exercises I learned in class or following some videos available online.
The Results
The aspects in which I felt the most impact are:
1- Posture
I feel that I have a better posture, in general. Both when I am walking and when I am standing, I feel that my back is straighter, I am hunched over and exert less.
I have a feeling of being taller, probably as a result of this better posture.
According to the measurements I’ve been doing over these months, I managed to “gain” 2 centimeters in height. In fact, it will probably have been more to recover than to win. The many years of bad posture, of being badly seated for long hours at the computer and of not exercising must have made me shrink that two centimeters that I have now managed to regain.
2 — Strength / resistance
I have a feeling of more strength and greater resistance. I feel my body is more solid and united, more capable of withstanding efforts that used to cost a lot to carry out.
3- Balance
In my day-to-day activities, I feel my body is more balanced. I feel that I walk in a more robust, more solid way, as if I had a greater connection to the earth, a better support.
4 — Tranquility
I feel more tranquility and calm, I am less affected by my stress and the stress of others.